Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

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Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by sunshine »

between town and country...

stupid conservative cunt
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by SoGone »

Could you please elaborate for the benefit of those non-UK residents at this board? I'm assuming this is a UK thing that I don't get.
mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by mark »

The big society is about getting ordinary folk more involved in voluntary work and helping out their community - basically to try and bring back the old community spirit and caring for the people around you which was lost under the power hungry, greedy, selfish society of 'fuck you, as long as i'm alright' that was so fervantly promoted under the previous Labour administration.... Don't get me wrong, the Labour Party were only the same as the conservatives in the 80's who put the 'greed is good' feeling into the top of society and flash playboys while the rest of society was rotting - at least the last administration restored the balance - but unfortunately only to promote a 'greed is good' attitude and selfishness to the whole of society rather than the priviledged few... Spend, spend, spend!!! And look where that's got us!!! Basically the theory of David Cameron's idea is actually clearly a good one, more of a socialist ideal than even the Labour party could come up with!!! The only trouble is that it's not clear how it will be funded, what it actually means in a literal sense, and how this well meaning, volunteering part of society can spread to reach further than the existing voluntary sector... It of course sounds like a gimmick, it's probably completely unworkable - but without the blinkers on of hatred just because he's a tory toff, I actually think he genuinely means he would like a nicer, happier, more co-operative, caring society - I genuinely believe he does want to get a society that cares and is united back to the days of the past... I think people are so caught up in their own lives (me included) that it's kind of impossible... nice thought though.... And it's kinda bad timing for this idea as it hard to get a harmonious society when there are cutbacks affecting every aspect of people's oridnary lives right now.... But I guess that is what has to happen after the Labour party so badly mismanaged our public finances!!!

I am as cyncial as the next person, it clearly could be a cover for more service cuts and getting society to do more of the work to take pressure off the government, but I like the idea of a more harmonious society - it's too grim these days sometimes... Or maybe i'm just a hippy!!!! I think not!!!... :roll:

I love how the Conservative party and Liberal Democrats are the ones trying to clear up all the shit that Labour left behind but they are the ones labelled "stupid cunts"!!!! I'd first look at Mr Brown (possibly the worst british prime minister EVER???!!!) for that kind of label before tagging the current bunch.... I do admit, it's all looking fairly grim still right now though... I actually don't think any of them have a clue how to deal with this mess - and Ed Milliband can start to criticise when he actually comes up with an idea of his own!!!!! :roll: :twisted:
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by sunshine »


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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by SoGone »

mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by mark »

And I thought teachers were meant to be educated!!!! :lol: :shock: :roll:
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by sunshine »

(this is a messy country)

never let the winter in 8)
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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by mark »

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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by sunshine »

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Re: Big society 'could widen volunteer gap

Post by sunshine »

watch the big questions right now
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