All gone very quiet

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All gone very quiet

Post by Gareth »

As the Boss says - Is there anybody alive out there?
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by sunshine »

i am
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by Gareth »

Good oh!
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by mark »

You know why it's gone quiet Gareth - because some arsehole on this board made someone feel they were wasting their time in being here... And really clearly they were - because this is the sort of place it is now... And i've lost interest now too...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by sunshine »

oh thanks love
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by disco bunny »

come on Mark, not the a-word

I know you liked him and all, but...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by Gareth »

Well it's a shame I guess but I can definitely see both sides of the argument. It's a shame if Andy doesn't want to post here anymore, personally I hope he comes back - although preferably withou flooding the forum with dozens of threads at a time.

Anyway I much prefer it when we all get along, so hoping things perk up again soon.

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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by urchin »

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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by sunshine »

sensible and relevant posts, indeed
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by mark »

I don't like bullies Anne Katherin and José relentlessly bullied Andrew - making fun of his disability, his lack of confidence, his lack of friends or love in his life and even called him names like 'freak'... He had a vendetta against Andrew and made that clear and when this place started to almost feel a little like the other place with tension and nastiness I just didn't want to get in the middle of all that because I like both Andrew and José but unfortuantely he had it in for Andrew from the beginning... Don't get me wrong, I had one or two run in's with Andrew myself, but I was never rude, unwelcoming and obnoxious... This is a forum that should be free for anyone and people shouldn't be hounded just because they happen to write a lot of things or ask a lot of questions - if you don't like it you ignore it - Andy was a nice guy, harmless, engaging, fun... You either got it or you didn't and for anyone that didn't like him or what he wrote well - you ignore it right???!!!... You don't go out of you way to antagonse someone just because you don't like the things they post about - he was never nasty or bullying or sarcastic or any of those things that could make someone unpopular in a forum.... I liked having someone who actually wanted to interact with people... And now we are back to where we were... sorry, personally i've tried long enough with this place to make an effort - and someone new comes along to try and breathe some new life into things and he's made to feel like he doesn't belong - which is really nice consisdering he suffers from a disorder which makes you feel that way anyway - someone should be really proud of themselves for that... Luckily Andrew was the sort of person that could handle it quite easily here to be fair but I think he became tired of it all especially when he has idiots to deal with in real life too... I guess the fact is José found him annoying and Andrew found José annoying... But bullying pisses me off...

anyway, he pm'd me a while ago to make it clear it is unlikely he'll be returning...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by disco bunny »

I got your point it's just my 'watch your language'-post. It's surely uncool to be so hypersensible, but I can't help myself... I hate it when people use the a**-word, you can use whatever you want, but that's always too respectless for me.... but that's just me.
And maybe José was like that (I read far too less to say anything about the whole story) and sure you shall not hide your opinion and all and I get your point, but talking to him like you say he did to Andrew doesn't make you behave better than him then.

awww.... I get myself into trouble here
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by mark »

Well I see your point but to discriminate against someone and bully them makes them an arsehole in my opinion - especially when said 'arsehole' kept pm'ing me bitching about that person constantly and telling me what they would do to try and carry on making it an issue when I repeatedly and respectfully asked him to stop and leave it alone... If someone behaves like an arsehole that's what you get called... And I could have used a much stronger word than that for his behaviour but chose not to...

I don't like people who bully pure and simple and calling someone an arsehole isn't bullying - it's in reaction to constant jibing at someone - the fact Andrew suffers from autism is neither here nor there I guess but really, rather than being sensitive to that fact when Andrew disclosed that information, José seemed to revel in the fact that Andy has a difficult life and repeatedly taunted him... anyway i'm not talking about this anymore because I think it's almost rude to talk about someone else when they aren't here anymore... i've said enough, i've made my point - i'm just pissed off that José succeeded in doing what he wanted from the start - he never wanted Andrew here and made that clear to me on numerous occasions in correspondence... And similarly Andrew made it clear in pm's after stopping posting that the only reason was because of José... Whatever, I think it's wrong that someone else feels they have the right or power to behave in a way that is deliberately trying to make someone leave... And because of that I don't particularly want to be here much anymore either... It's a great example of what I hate about the other place...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by sunshine »

gosh... i am the bad guy! yeah!

you are making it just sound like the other place with people sending pms and all that stuff... and if you want to talk about your life that openly, go on about it.

for what I think, he could be whoever... making up a story... or maybe not... i know who you are, since I have met you and I know you are real.

SG was not spare of insults neither... the topics he used to post about were vulgar and rude... a few people who read this forum but do not write commented on that... as you said, it takes 2...

Feel free to think what you want... i am not going to lose any sleep over it...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by mark »

ok.... I don't know why you felt so untrusting of him though - you always seem suspicisous of the motives of new people on this forum (well you have mentioned that about another member once anyway - someone not here anymore I think)...

Whatever, yeah maybe the stuff he shared was too personal for you but apart from anything else I think that's part of his disorder - and from the way he talks and the things he says I believe that - he has no reason to make that up or say those things...

anyway yeah, all I was doing was responding to Gareth's question about why it's gone quiet and I get jumped upon because I called you an arsehole - which I found a little odd apart from anything when I know the sort of person you are you wouldn't as you say 'lose any sleep over it' me calling u that word and in my mind for the reasons I gave I felt justified in using it - doesn't mean I have major issues with you, i've just been a bit pissed off that's all - but that's me and my reasons - I said what I said and you know how I felt about it anyway because we've discussed this personally in the past and you know I wasn't happy about it - but people can do whatever they want... If anyone finds anything I said insulting or whatever else i'm sorry but it's something I felt strongly about...

I said previously I had had my own run in's with Andrew so no one is ever blameless but... as I said certain things were said and done which I didn't like at all - but I think we've said all we can on it now!!!!...
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Re: All gone very quiet

Post by sunshine »

darling, I did not take it personal... the a word is nothing to me, I have been called far worse.
remember we share a birthday and I also feel like you are sometimes... so no worries
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