suedemusicweb is closed...

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suedemusicweb is closed...

Post by mark »

Just to let any fans of my Suede channel on youtube 'suedemusicweb' know, i've decided to close it down after Suede's management decided to take out a copyright claim against an official recording of 'Animal Nitrate' live at Royal Albert Hall which was originally broadcast on ITV1 - as such I felt the upload was 'fair game' and in the end my site and fan site has always been online for the fans and because I am a massive fan of the band - everything I have bought, rarities, going to see them live and all the hours I have put in to promote the band both with airing their music on youtube and also through promotion with my original freeservers fansite - I have given Suede 15 years as a fan both in support and to the wider world online - purely because I love them and never for any gain of my own - I just wanted to share their wonderful music - but a copyright claim against a video originally aired on tv is frankly pathetic in my opinion especially for a video that has been onloine for 18 months already without protestation... No matter the rights and wrongs of copyright law - it is doing no harm and in fact is doing a lot to promote the band - I know I am using that word a lot but it is true - I understand completely the idea of music leaks and pirating and the harm that it can do for musicians - but my intentions were only ever to support the band and share my love for them and get them to an even bigger audience around the world... Because they are a band in this day and age still too underated and who deserve to be heard... What is worse is I have received an account warning in actually trying to do something positive for the band and the fans - in the past, Quietus contacted me first by email to to ask that I take down a clip I had of 'I Don't Need A High' - which I did immediately because I felt it was the right thing to do with respect - now I log into my account and it says I have had a warning about copyright infringement and the video has been disabled - no notification or request for removal first... so basically i'm being treated as a criminal in supporting a band I love - and YES I know all the technicalities about copyright but my channel allowed the music of Suede/Brett and The Tears to be heard all over the world - videos with hundreds of thousands of views and over 800 subscribers and getting Suede into the wider world more than ever I am sure is actually a GOOD thing for the band in raising awareness and more people buying their music as a consequence... But clearly I have been wasting my time trying to do something good for Suede all this time - and yes I know that was my choice but it's because I love the band - I have been to see Suede live 5 times since they returned last year - I have done many, MANY goods things for them without asking and also without wanting or expecting any thanks but in the end the only thanks I DO seem to get is contempt... So fuck it, I can't be bothered anymore - if real fans are treated like shit then what is the point???... I thought they wanted more people to hear their music but I know that's not my responsibility so I am not going to be wasting my precious time which could be spent on doing something more constructive than supporting a band I love... I except that the law is the law so I am sure they are now happy that their fans have been denied a music site devoted to the band that was loved...

Oh and for the record, I won't be buying a copy of the proposed official Royal Albert dvd as a consequence when it eventually comes out - because real fans clearly mean fuck all so why should I line record companies pockets when everything good I have done has been for free???!!!... I am sure there are more Suede fans out there now because of my channel - I know people who had never heard 'Beautiful Ones' for instance before I uploaded it or some of the rarities and live recordings on there... But anyway what's done is done, a loyal fan gets fucked over by the fat cats once again - same old story... I won't ever do anything positive for the band again... Having good intentions and spending your time doing something good for something you believe in is clearly a waste of time...
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Re: suedemusicweb is closed...

Post by sunshine »

some albino
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Re: suedemusicweb is closed...

Post by some albino »

O poor Mark, you sound really let down. I can comprehend. I hope you still can enjoy the music, even if management and business issues have come between it.

I think this attitude of record or other companies is getting ridiculous. Yes, they could have contacted you, can't be difficult in this age.

Still, you shouldn't think it was a waste of time, that would be neglecting yourself. There must be something nothing can take away from you.

Still so painful, give it some time, but the truth remains: don't let a band kill you.
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Re: suedemusicweb is closed...

Post by mark »

Thanks Wim... It's ok, i'm kinda over it now - well, I let a lot of things off my chest about it at the official forum and many people seem of a similar opinion because apparently the management are doing this with a lot of fans recordings on youtube... I felt I was doing something good for the band and something many fans enjoyed - shame that the record companies never see it that way - and don't worry, I haven't let it taint my opinion of Brett or Suede at all - i've loved them for 15 years and it would take A LOT to change that...
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