suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by sunshine » ... on-300313/
LIVE: Suede, Spector, Temples – Alexandra Palace, London – 30/03/13
Daisy Edwards
April 3, 2013
Fresh from the unforeseen success of their 6th studio album, ‘Bloodsports’, and first in 10 years at that, Suede playing Alexandra Palace had a lot to live up to. It was a standalone gig that had been given alongside the announcement of ‘Bloodsports’, so fans descended from far and wide to see the show, and a spectacle it certainly was – well, after we’d been freed from the arctic queuing conditions, that was.
Support came in the form of neo-psych quartet, Temples. They radiate 60s from every inch of their tassel-sleeved shirts and have a sound somewhere between The Beatles and Tame Impala – certainly enough to open the ears of every person in the crowd, and indie giants, Spector, dressed like a 50s boyband armed with some painfully brilliant stage banter: “Y’know the band weren’t too sure about us supporting, but they were easily swayed” or “Happy Easter, enjoy the resurrection of our lord – Brett Anderson.” Their album-heavy set was met with an enthusiastic reception, leaving us all suitably pumped for the main event.
From the second Suede graced the stage, despite kicking off proceedings with a triple whammy of new album tracks – ‘Barriers’ being the first and sounding more stadium-worthy than ever – the crowd transformed into a polite nodding bunch to a deafening, hardcore rabble crushing for their rightful slice of Britpop’s finest dancer and within ten minutes, the mighty tone for the entire evening had been set.
The band effortlessly flowed from classic, and still strikingly brilliant, crowd pleasers such as ‘Animal Nitrate’ and ‘We Are The Pigs’, to sentimental ballad types off the latest LP – ‘Sometimes I Feel I’ll Float Away’ being the modern day answer to ‘Dog Man Star’s’ best.
However, the predictable set-list diversions were soon unleashed in the form of ‘Sleeping Pills’: “It’s been twenty years ago yesterday since our debut album” and the epic ‘Pantomime Horse’, leaving everyone on the barrier beside me in sufficient shock.
I’ve since heard utterings from the Suede “30 gig” veterans claiming it was the best gig they’ve ever witnessed and it definitely felt that way. The band sounded musically faultless and Brett Anderson was successfully flinging himself around the stage – and beyond screaming “SING IT” with the apparent energy of a thousand during ‘The Wild Ones’ – our barrier spot was evidently the best seat in the house, even if you were the lead singer. We were soon submerged under a layer of clamouring hands and the limbs of said 90s icon, an experience to say the least.
It may have taken a long while to get there, but after this show Suede have cemented their way into the story of successful, incredible comebacks and seem to be an unbreakable unit both live and in the studio more than they ever have before. There couldn’t have been a more fitting venue to mark the occasion and the 10,000 odd people pouring out, clutching ribs and drumsticks like their lives depended on it, seemed to agree, but all were stuck on one simple question: When’s the next gig?
Suede are most definitely back, and this is just the beginning.
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by mark »

'Twas a great night... Wow, aren't you lonely here sun?...
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by sunshine »

not really!
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by sunshine » ... dra-palace
Suede / Alexandra Palace
Suede are back – and their gloomy songs are still miserably ecstatic. Confused? Ric Rawlins explains all
If Suede’s songs are primarily concerned with trashy outcasts living on the fringes of society, there sure are a hell of a lot of them out there; tonight’s venue is, after all, the vast Alexandra Palace – and as night falls, shuttle bus after shuttle bus is arriving to load it up with Brett and co’s dystopian devotees.
What’s perhaps less surprising is that Suede fans are stylish critters. Razor-sharp fringes and black suits are recurring themes, while the glitter-cheeked and androgynous among the crowd are looking distinctly Parisian. Yep, the band always had a thing for frilly shirts and leather jackets; for Suede, read suave.
It’s fair to say that there’s an air of kooky celebration in the air tonight, not so much for the fact that Suede are back, but more specifically that they’re back, have a new album, and the new album’s actually not-too-shabby.
Once inside, a theatrical curtain drops and we’re straight into new single ‘Barriers’. It immediately sounds both gloomy, miserable and utterly joyous; in other words, they haven't forgotten that 'ole Suede formula. Phew!
Surprisingly, almost all the songs from Bloodsports feel like greased whippets running around their older cousins. ‘Hit Me’ expresses a passionate submission to a flawed relationship; ‘It Starts And Ends With You’ has a triple-chorus cycle that becomes more meaningful with each rotation; ‘Sabotage’ makes for a beautifully chilling encore. These are songs the band couldn’t play with their eyes shut – and as such they feel just that wee bit edgier.
Still, best not diss the oldies. Tonight we get a storming ‘New Generation’, a sparklingly dark ‘Pantomime Horse’ and a celebratory ‘Trash’. Richard Oakes is on top whammy-waggling form and, when he’s not emoting hauntingly, Brett is bouncing enthusiastically (in fact, he spends most of the tonight somewhere between haunting and bouncy).
Another highlight is the band's decision to blow up their record sleeves onto giant screens, allowing us to come eyeball to eyeball with leather-masked vigilantes and a perverted pimp among other things. (Note on perverted pimp: sometimes a cigar is NOT just a cigar.) These decadent and surreal images go a long way to reminding us of the band's original David Lynch-via-Mike Lee manifesto.
So Suede are back, their magic formula’s intact and they’re still blimming popular. Should they choose to run with the dogs time around, they’ll have a fair few people shouting ‘Fenton!’ in the mid-distance - me included.
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by sunshine »

April 22, 2013
Alexandra Palace, London, Saturday, March 30
Slavic strings crescendo, an electronic red curtain parts. Everyone at Ally Pally is here to revel in the fact that Suede aren’t just back on form but back at the forefront. ‘Bloodsports’, their not-really-awaited-at-all sixth album, isn’t just an impressive comeback successfully capturing their sizzling ’90s electricity, it’s one of the albums of the year.
No-one’s claiming they’re suddenly hotter than Peace or anything, but in a world where reunion bands clog up every festival slot like a plague of ex-Britpop locusts, Suede 2.0 are setting a standard against which everyone, from Pixies to Pulp, shall henceforth be judged. Reunions must now go hand in hand with creative reinvention. Lazy nostalgia will no longer be tolerated.
As bold, brazen and bursting with self-belief as they were at their early ’90s inception, Suede tonight set about demanding their rightful slice of 21st century relevance. With Brett bouncing on the monitors, throwing himself into the front row and bellowing “SING IIIIIT!” like the world’s pushiest karaoke host, they open with three new songs, the album’s first quarter in order. It’s a statement of flagrant nostalgia-annihilation that demands we either join the joyride on Brett’s ‘Barriers’ bus or walk home alone. ‘Snowblind’ and ‘It Starts And Ends With You’ are as sassy and seductive as post-Bernard Butler Suede have ever been.
After a rewarding run of ‘Animal Nitrate’, ‘Metal Mickey’ and ‘We Are The Pigs’, they ease the remaining new songs into the set by pairing each one with a like-minded old-timer, like rookie cops learning the ropes. So the arch ‘Sometimes I Feel I’ll Float Away’ is matched with a rare and euphoric ‘Sleeping Pills’; ‘Hit Me’ bleeds into its brother-with-another-cover ‘Filmstar’; ‘For The Strangers’ nuzzles up to the equally epic ‘Everything Will Flow’; and come the encore, the new ‘Saturday Night’, ‘Sabotage’, acts as prelude to the old ‘Saturday Night’, ‘Saturday Night’. A seamless weave.
They pack out the rest of the set with breathless rafts of classics – ‘Killing Of A Flashboy’, ‘The Wild Ones’, ‘Pantomime Horse’ and ‘The Drowners’ goes one mid-set rush – all carried along by Brett’s antics. At one point he’s on all fours headbutting the stage, at another he’s falling to the floor like his strings are cut. Confidence, clamour and crackling new sounds – Suede shows in 2013 are like having a Gatling gun loaded with suave pop fireworks fired point-blank into your face.
Mark Beaumont
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by mark »

Met Claudio Leonardo too! :D He spent the gig with me and seb :)
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Re: suede live: Ally Pally 30-03-13

Post by sunshine »

a trio? :roll:
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