for collectors - best of

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for collectors - best of

Post by sunshine »

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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by Marquis »

i don't really see the point in releasing a new best of....

why not making a live album instead, or something different... pity

thanks for the info Sun!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by Gareth »

I'll definitely end up buying this either way. Not too pleased to hear that bit about iTunes exclusive interview stuff though. I much prefer buying CDs and this makes me feel like I'd be missing out.

Good track listing though.

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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by mark »

Yeah it isn't grounding breaking but nice that the tracks will be digitally remastered - I am really hoping that this time the songs won't be edited or have 'alternative' vocals as with 'Trash' on 'Singles'!!!!... I'll definitely be buying it!!! :)
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by Marquis »

at least the last best of of the Cure was double: 1cd best of, 1 cd same songs in accoustic versions
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by mark »

Well this is double too - 1 cd hits, 1 cd b-sides/album tracks... nothing new or original though granted!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by SoGone »

mark wrote:Yeah it isn't grounding breaking but nice that the tracks will be digitally remastered - I am really hoping that this time the songs won't be edited or have 'alternative' vocals as with 'Trash' on 'Singles'!!!!... I'll definitely be buying it!!! :)
Uh-oh, mark, is this something else we disagree about? I love the new "Trash" vocal!!! I wish Brett had redone Beautiful Ones as well...or at least remixed it to remove the effect on the vocal...heck, I'd gladly shell out for "Coming Up: Naked."

("Wuthering Heights" revisited this is not. :D )
mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by sunshine »

more info:

I am sure there will be some of those found rarities which could make this more attractive... but it sounds as there may some future for that too...?

I just hope it does well, as I still get sad when I see the singles one for £4.99 or less! I remember buying the one with the bonus Asia cd for £1.99!

I will need to check who didn't get the old one to offer this one as a xmas pressie.
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by mark »

sogone - I liked the new Brett Trash vocals at first when I heard them re-recorded before listening in comparison with the original and discovering how flat and boring it sounds instead - even though it is Brett's live vocals without effects they just sound flat and boring dubbed over the original mix - also the removal of words like 'but we're' before singing 'Trash' just irritates me - I know it sounds funny but it is like mutilating the song and what I loved about it in the first place - I guess unless u were there and heard Trash for the first time during that period, the song that I loved and was the reason I got into Suede in the first place maybe it is difficult to understand - it was a brilliant song so why mess with it for an inferior version????!!! OMG you want to change the vocal effects (Brett did actually sing live very nasal in this way during this period anyway!) and destroy Coming Up from the genius album it is and make it into something bland, minstream and boring???!!! Live versions I can understand, but don't mess with the originals - I can cope with remastering and even acoustic variations but always all this talk of changing this, re-recording that, adding things, taking things away!!! What's the fucking point lol???!!! Either you like the albums flaws and all or you don't - I never understand people who get so anal about things and wants different vocals or slightly louder, or remixed, or messed about, instruments taken away or added in lol.... I don't mine remastering to make the sound a little clearer or whatever but it probably isn't that necessary - it annoys me when people rave about DMS but moan about the production or whatever - if people can't take the songs for what they are and the way they are recorded then - well I give up lol!!! Songs will always have more impact live than on record so why worry about trying to make something perfect or whatever - I guess you just don't like helium Brett!!! To me it is what made Suede different and gave them an edge on their rivals - and again for the record, with all this talk about vocal effects, Brett actually did sing very similar to the way he does on that album when he was performing live around 96/97... And don't worry that we disagree SoGone, I am the voice of reason here so it is not a problem - anyone who doesn't like 'The Next Life' should never be taken too seriously anyway lol!!! :lol: hehe! - I am kidding about that btw!!! disagreements with others (as long as they don't turn all nasty like at 'the other place') is what makes loving something that is important to you all the more interesting!!!...

And sun, I still really want this CD, especially as it's been remastered - even though of course remastering doesn't really matter lol just nice to have the best compiled all on one album!!!! :) and they really had better not edit the songs this time - it will probably be the stay together edit on there but i want all the other songs in their original entirity!!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by SoGone »

For the record, mark, I in no way want to erase the original Coming Up! :D

The gap between the verses and choruses is one of the reasons I love the new version! For the record, I heard the Coming Up version first, and I love that album to death, but there are times when, like you said, I don't really want "helium Brett." :wink:

(Sort of the same reason I wish Damon Albarn had, at least for one album, toned down the accent a tad. I mean, I do like Modern Life Is Rubbish, but with different could have been almighty! Something lovable, instead of just something to admire. But what do I know. :D )

There's a lot more than Brett's voice that separates Suede from most of their peers, imo; their songs completely destroy just about every other Britpop band's material. And Simon & Mat had that perfect sleazy bounce, and Bernard composed those bizarre melodies that were both seedy and romantic, and yes, Brett's amazing voice...

I guess it's the reason I love both Spunk and Never Mind The Bollocks; sometimes I want that guitar soup & falsetto Johnny, sometimes I want a rawer sound and a hoarser Johnny...

I personally don't have anything against the DMS production, but I can see how some people might want a few things tweaked...

Re: Brett's voice live; yes, that's why my favorite live tapes are from the band's early days. :D Of course, I never got to see them live, so that might be a factor, but those early shows are just so much better, imo!
mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by mark »

u want to destroy Britain SoGone lol - getting rid of helium Brett, changing/toning down Damon's essex accent!!! :lol: :shock: :wink: Don't come looking over these shores if it is only to turn british singers into Kurt Cobain lol!!! nah I am joking but so many things you say I disagree with lol!!!

Oh and my reference to helium Brett btw was to try and dispell so much nonsense about vocal affects distorting his true voice - there were some effects on that album but as I was saying around 96/97 that was actually very similar to how he sang anyway... So helium Brett was not just some sort of creation, he was nasally and it was kinda cool in my opinion (here's an example from the jools holland performance - and the gap between verse and chorus with the new version really does ruin that song - sorry lol!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by SoGone »

For the record, I hate Nirvana & grunge in general (there I go again!). I'd say a good 90% of what I listen to is British...take Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen out of the equation, and it probably goes up to 97%. :D

I know that Damon's accent is part of Blur's appeal, but it's also annoying at least Johnny Dean's voice makes me laugh every time (especially on Daydreamer).

It's true that his voice wasn't completely processed in a Trans way, but there's definitely this "glossy" feel about the whole's completely lovable at times, and sometimes I want something a bit less abrasive.

(That's when I return to the debut and the Stay Together EP. :wink: )
mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by sunshine »

haha... it feels like reading an essay from the kids! :lol:
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by mark »

Makes u laugh SoGone??? People's singing voices aren't there to be laughed at!!! You like Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen???!!! Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear!!! :( Maybe I was right in thinking I was talking to someone in their 40's lol - well more like 60's maybe???!!! Actually The Boss was pretty good at Glastonbury though, i'll give him that!!! :)

btw how do the words glossy and abrasive go together in the same sentence about the same thing??? Surely that's two completely different things??? I think the only Suede album that the word abrasive could be used for is 'Suede' - and I mean that in a good way - those early songs on that album (especially the non-ballads) were abrasive... But as I say in a good way!!! :) Of course the Kurt Cobain ref was a joke btw, I wasn't really expecting u to like Nirvana...

Oh and btw sun, I am sure your kids at school can write far better essays than this!!! I would hope so anyway!!! hahaha!!!
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Re: for collectors - best of

Post by SoGone »

Come on; how can Menswear not make someone laugh? The guy's voice is hilariously annoying. I love it. The same way death metal makes me laugh...except Menswear at least have parody in their favor. :D

Not a Dylan fan? :( (Brett slagged off Bruce in an early Suede interview, so I figured he wouldn't be a hot commodity in these parts)

Re: sounds ultra-clean, like the whole album's been run through the wash a few times, but the voice still grates...just a tad.

Oh, by the way, I was just thinking of how much I completely and utterly love the vocal on Bentswood Boys...if only there was a "Coming Up" like that. (Think a bootlegged version of Morning Glory with Noel singing everything)

Sunshine, what do you teach?
mark wrote:Everything that's wrong with sunshine can be explained by the fact that he doesn't eat meat!!!!
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