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60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 21:22
by sunshine
good level of behaviour, says study"

If their parents had been educated and not had children at 12 or 13...

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 01:14
by SoGone
How do they define "good behaviour"? I read some article about how in the 1940's, educators were worried about kids chewing gum in class, not standing in single file lines, etc. Now they're worried about heroin and unprotected sex and AIDS.

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 02:51
by mark
Yeah, how do you define good behaviour - what's good to one person (helping an old lady cross the street) may be different to someone else (a kid going for a day without burning someone's house down!!!)... :shock: :shock: :shock:

I blame the teachers myself!... :roll: :lol:

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 11:56
by sunshine
some parents should be castrated... that would be the end of it

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 14:24
by SoGone
I'm all for mandatory sterilization of all people who:

- Vote a straight Republican party ticket
- Watch "American Idol"
- Have ever purchased a food labeled "Fat Free," thinking that it's somehow healthier for them

Qualifying for all three categories is grounds for mandatory exile to Pluto (which is no longer a planet).

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 17:48
by mark
:shock: Some people should definitely be castrated, not just parents, a whole variety of pond-life society who pose as human beings!!!!... :twisted:

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 19:14
by SoGone
SoGone tends to agree.

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 20:06
by sunshine
it's the british disease - welsh and scottish are ok)

never let the winter in 8)

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 00:19
by SoGone
My grand vision of sterilization knows no nationalistic or racial boundaries.

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 07:15
by sunshine

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 12:18
by mark

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 16:34
by sunshine
cut it off

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 19:01
by SoGone
...or at least wrap it up.

Re: 60% of poorest children fail to reach

Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 19:48
by sunshine
could do