Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

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Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

Yes, they are in!
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

what a way to open a festival and close the first day!
the boys played: ‘Introducing Band’, ‘Outsiders’, ‘Killing Flashboy’, ‘Trash’, ‘Filmstar’, ‘Animal Nitrate’, ‘We Are the Pigs’, ‘Float Away’, ‘Everything Will Flow’, ‘Drowners’, ‘Still Life’, ‘For the Strangers’, ‘So Young’, ‘Metal Mickey’, ‘Beautiful Ones’
Encores: ‘Fashion’ (acoustic), ‘New Generation’
Photos to follow...
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

2 June, 2016
Primavera Sound: Opening Night – festival review
Written by Lee Hammond
Primavera Sound Opening Night – Sr. Chinarro, Goat & Suede
An eclectic opening to this years Primavera Sound, with the tribal sounds of Goat pitched against Britpop legends Suede alongside Sr. Chinarro.
In what has become a tradition, Primavera Sound throws open its gates to allcomers on the Wednesday before the festival starts properly on the Thursday. They always have an excellent line up and this year is no different, as we arrive at Parc Del Forum Sr. Chinarro is about to take the stage. With his own brand of Indie he draws a huge and diverse crowd early on all intent on dancing the evening away as Chinarro’s laidback jams fill the parc.
The Wednesday night line up is always eclectic and has the ability to throw together bands that you perhaps wouldn’t put together, however between Sr. Chinarro and tonight’s headliners Suede, you could draw similarities between both. Splitting the two though we have Goat, the energetic Swedes bound on to the stage filled with excitement their truly unique sound never fails to ignite any party.
Tonight is no different as the bands two front women bounce around the stage shimmying and chanting along to the band tribal rhythms. Goat always stand out they have a brilliantly distinct and individual sound and look, tonight is a set packed with their finest tracks with Run To Your Mama is an early highlight. Goatman, Disco Fever and It’s Time For Fun all follow.
It's rare that a crowd scream so loud that a support band are forced back to the stage for an encore but tonight they do just that, this now humongous crowd welcoming Goat back for an encore. Their ecstatic set really livens up proceedings in advance of Suede’s entrance, this will be the bands first of two sets the second is their full Night Thought set which takes place as part of the main festival today.
Tonight though it is all about the hits, as Brett Anderson and the band take to the stage the crowd provide a particularly enthusiastic greeting. As they open up with a customary rendition of Introducing The Band, before diving headlong into an exceptional set with Outsiders. This is the only track to be taken from the bands current album Night Thoughts, instead it’s a carefully planned tour through the bands back catalogue.
However, its early highlight Filmstar that takes things up a notch sending this huge crowd into a frenzy, and this momentum is quickly maintained with the brilliant Animal Nitrate and We Are The Pigs. Brett Anderson proving as always why he is one of the most revered frontmen around with his incredibly passionate performance, as he bounds around the stage and slides on his knees.
It’s a masterful set from Suede though as they close out their main set with Metal Mickey and Beautiful Ones, an excellent look back on such a fruitful career of one of the finest bands around. With an encore of She’s In Fashion and New Generation, its unsurprising that they leave this packed crowd wanting so much more after this thrilling set. As they round out this brilliantly eclectic opening night, but there is still so much more to come from this years Primavera Sound as it continues today with LCD Soundsystem, John Carpenter, Thee Oh Sees, Destroyer, Peaches and Battles to name just a few! ... fY.twitter
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

Thursday 2nd June 2016
Suede's immaculate Primavera Sound set - in beautiful photos
by Andrew Trendell | Photos by Ben Jablonski
Most bands of their stature and legacy would fall into self-parody to still be shaking their bits to the hits at this point in their lives, but there's an effervesence and compulsion to Suede as they see the sun away on the opening night of Primavera Sound 2016 that leaves Barcelona with the lasting impression that this band NEED to exist.
As people claw and tear at frontman Brett Anderson's open shirt, the feral fervour of hero worship that he inspires can't be denied, but while he's naturally earned his standing as a statesman and ambassador of indie, it's the fact that he and his bandmates are still very much on top of their game - not only in their performance but with the standout moments from their immaculate new album Night Thoughts - that shows Suede are very much living in the now, and with a very bright and beautiful tomorrow. Suede still matter, and they always will. ... ew-setlist
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

2 JUN 2016
Primavera Sound: Primer baño de multitudes
Barcelona - Luis Hidalgo
Suede se llevaron la palma en una jornada en la que también destacaron Sr Chinarro y Goat
La ya tradicional jornada de bienvenida del Primavera Sound, gratuita, congregó a una multitud en el Parc del Fórum, principalmente atraída por Suede, que ejercían de cabezas de cartel. Y en cuanto a multitudes los británicos cumplieron, ya que ante sus ojos se extendió una alfombra inmensa de público al que, eso sí, les costó remover. Y es que no se sabe si Brett Anderson iba demasiado excitado, puede que emocionado por la magnitud de la estampa o es el público estaba demasiado renuente a entrar en el concierto. El caso es que con un repertorio que no jugó a una carta definida, mezclando temas recientes con clásicos, ni tan siquiera la concatenación de piezas como Trash, Animal Nitrate y We Are The Pigs logró conmocionar más allá de a quienes ya lo estaban antes de iniciarse la actuación.
Pero sin duda a Anderson no se le puede recriminar que no lo pusiese todo encima del escenario, subiéndose a los monitores como marca el estilo de la casa, haciendo el molinete con el micro, saludando en castellano al respetable y abriéndose la camisa como un gitano el día de la boda de su hija. Y así fue avanzando un concierto cuyo fuego escénico en cuanto a entrega apenas prendió entre la multitud. Eso sí, en So Young y Beautiful Ones la alfombra se llenó de pantallas que miraban el escenario por el público. ¿Nuevas formas de implicación y empatía?
Pero la jornada había comenzado antes, con esa estimulante mezcla e público atraído por la gratuidad, que hacía coincidir a un señor que bailaba twist con un grupo de tecno pop de raigambre ochentera como El Último Vecino y a una latinoamericana que con sus hijos danzado a su alrededor sacaba fotos como una profesional. A todo esto, varios dibujantes inmortalizaban las escenas de primera hora de la tarde haciendo dibujos, una suerte de fotos manuscritas, que luego colgarían en las redes proporcionadas por el festival bajo el epígrafe Primavera Graphic Sound. A todo esto, en el escenario, el vocalista de El Último Vecino parecía sugerir que el tiempo no pasa o bien que es circular, ya que además de su sonido, que evocaba por momentos al Aviador Dro más pop, el de Programa en espiral o Selector de frecuencias, vale, sí, también a Joy Division, que parece una referencia más seria, vestía con un estilo aún más ochentero: pantalones de pinza y camisa de rayas bien metidita bajo éstos. Sólo una generosa cadena plateada de negrazo finolis disonaba en aquel vestuario propio de la movida, indicándonos que sí, que ya corre el siglo XXI.
Más tarde se llevó el protagonismo Antonio Luque, el Sr Chinarro, que hizo un concierto espléndido que comenzó lento, como el chup chup de un guiso y luego de pellizcar como un gazpacho fuerte de vinagre acabó lento también con la maravillosa El progreso, cuya letra dice algo tan bonito como “yo creeré en el progreso cuando vengas a darme un beso”. Sí, cualquiera otro hace una rima así y el público le corre a gorrazos, aunque poco más tarde, en la misma pieza, cite al Perec de Las cosas. Pero Luque tiene algo indescifrable que le faculta para bailar en el alambre. Y encima con todo el sentido. Quizás sea su pinta, el único barbudo que no remite a un moderno sino quizás a Holofernes, quizás su actitud seca no por ello exenta de retranca y, sobre todo, le avalan sus maravillosas canciones acunadas en lo cotidiano. La selección que ofreció fue impecable, con varios temas de su último disco y piezas anteriores como Babieca, Los ángeles o Una llamada a la acción. A todo esto el personal guiri había dejado paso al nacional, rey de la pista hasta que comenzó la actuación de Goat, una estimulante y colorista mezcla de música africana, rock cartesiano y psicodelia explicitada con un vestuario recién importado de Dakar y caretas de brujo animista. Ah, ¡y son suecos! Échale guindas a la globalización. Es el Primavera Sound, y pese a que era la fiesta de inauguración, la vista y los oídos no podían descansar. No todos los días pasa el mundo ante las narices. ... 92998.html
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

at the Rock Deluxe Auditórium... they played... Night Thoughts!
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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine »

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Re: Primavera Sound Barcelona June 2016

Post by sunshine » ... stem-sigur

Most bands of their stature and legacy would fall into self-parody to still be shaking their bits to the hits at this point in their lives, but there's an effervescence and compulsion to Suede as they see the sun away on the opening night of Primavera Sound 2016 that leaves Barcelona with the lasting impression that this band NEED to exist.

As people claw and tear at frontman Brett Anderson's open shirt, the feral fervour of hero worship that he inspires can't be denied, but while he's naturally earned his standing as a statesman and ambassador of indie, it's the fact that he and his bandmates are still very much on top of their game - not only in their performance but with the standout moments from their immaculate new album Night Thoughts - that shows Suede are very much living in the now, and with a very bright and beautiful tomorrow. Suede still matter, and they always will.
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